
Friday, February 28, 2014

New Home - New Quilting Studio

Wow, what a crazy 6 months. We moved! I won't go into all the boring details. It's enough to say we downsized most of our home, but I upsized my quilting studio. So, I thought I would write a series of posts as I get my new studio set up and organized. 

In our new home, I appropriated the basement family room for my quilting studio. It's a large backwards 'L' shaped room with a window and a walk out glass door. Here are the before pics.

Here are my plans:
1. A set of new bookcases for books, nicnacs, and storage. One of the bookcases will have glass doors and that one will house some pretty fabric. 
2. A new Koala sewing table that will hold 2 machines and has plenty of space to work on larger quilts.
3. A new cutting table with more room than I had before.
4. A storage area to store works in progress, fabric, and other stuff (including my knitting, cross stitch and other crafty things).
5. A beading area including a table/desk for beading as well as the admin/business/paperwork side of my quilting.
6. A permanent design wall.
7. A large table that can be used when my quilting friends come over to work together.
8. Good lighting.
9. Organization and routines to keep things tidy so I spend more time playing and less time organizing.

My friend Bobbie is coming in April so I want to have all the furniture in place before she gets here so we can get everything organized. I;m so excited!
Happy Sewing!