
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Whew . . . Summer Craziness is Winding Down

I like being busy, but sometimes it gets out of control. I know I shouldn't expect sympathy because the busy-ness was all of my own doing and was all fun stuff. But still all this much fun has made me crazy!

First there were two weeks in Playa del Carmen, Mexico - studying Spanish and having fun in the sun (well, fun in the rain actually). Out of class activities included gazing in awesome wonder at the beautiful colors of the ocean, taking pictures of the colorful flowering trees, and learning about the interesting Mayan culture. I have three quilts in the incubator from this trip - one seascape with blues and greens of the water and waves, one with bright colors to represent the trees and flowers, and one with the symbology of the Mayan culture.

The second trip was to visit my BFF Bobbie in Seattle and then heading off together with another friend to Sisters Oregon for quilt classes and the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

 Bobbie's SUV was stuffed to the top with 3 sewing machines, 3 suitcases, 2 tables, 3 chairs, fabric and supplies for 10 quilting projects, and of course food and snacks. The weather was beautiful the whole time we were there - sunny and warm during the day and cool at night. It was so wonderful to be in a dry warmth instead of the humidity here in Kansas. 

We transformed our hotel suite into a sewing studio so we could work on all our projects. The machines were working every day. We took 2 classes (more in another post), did some mega shopping in several quilt shops in Sisters and Bend, attended the Sister's Outdoor Quilt Show (1300 quilts on display), sewed on new projects as well as works in progress, watched classic movies (I was introduced to The Thin Man), chatted, drank wine and snacked. It was a wonderful week!

The SUV was even more packed heading back to Seattle. After a day to do laundry, repacking and haircuts for both me and Bobbie, it was time to come home. It's nice to be away -- I don't worry about all the millions of small and large items on my getting ready to sell the house to-do list.  But it was wonderful to be home with my sweetie and get back into my routines.

But I was only home 4 days before I headed to North Carolina and Tennessee for CQL work. I love these trips because the people are so inspiring in their work on behalf of people with disabilities. there is also the added benefit of visiting quilt shops in different parts of the country!

So, tomorrow I am finally home for a while.  I'm bringing new fabric, patterns, rulers, ideas, and inspiration for new quilts. I won't be able to play with any of my new stuff because the get-the-house-ready-to sell to-do list kicks in. But I do get to get back into my routines, which of course includes some studio play time! I also have to catch up on all my blocks of the month!
Home at last!

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