
Friday, January 19, 2018

Curious About Judy Niemeyer and Quiltworx Patterns? Start Here

Judy Niemeyer, her daughter Judel Buls, along with a great staff, run Quiltworx.  I love Judy's designs. I've started 2 quilts and have several more in line. I'm even planning on taking a couple of workshops from Judy and Judel (her daughter) this year. I'm seriously thinking about becoming a Certified Instructor. 

Judy's designs are foundation pieced, very complex and absolutely gorgeous. They are also a little intimidating. Like many things I do, I jumped in with both feet and up to my eyeballs - starting with the Vintage Rose 2017 Technique Quilt, which I'm currently assembling, having finished the foundation piecing already. It looks kind of like a bird of paradise in this picture - this is 1/8th of the design.

So, what is so special about Judy's designs (besides the obvious beauty of them)? Well, mainly it's the process of assembly line piecing (chain piecing plus assembly line pressing and trimming), her techniques for success (using registration points, glue basting and others), and Quiltster - an online tool to design and color your quilt.

If you are interested in doing one of Judy's designs but you're not ready to jump into the deep end like I did, I have a recommendation - Start with these simple, but striking projects:

Stained Glass Window (Quilt or Wall hanging)


Impatiens Placemats.

And lucky for you, I'm teaching how to make these projects at Mea Bernina and Babylock at the end of the month.

In class, you'll learn how to use Judy's templates to cut the fabric, how to assembly line foundation piece, get an introduction to Quiltster, how to sew curves (Impatiens), and how to do an inside point binding (Impatiens). These classes will give you the skills and confidence needed to tackle some of the more complex patterns, or at the very least you'll catch a little of my enthusiasm for Judy's designs.

I love Judy's designs and I love teaching classes. Come join me! We'll have a blast.

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