
Friday, February 16, 2018

Cheetos - No; M&Ms - Maybe; Good Quilty Snacks

I try not to take myself too seriously. I love thinking and writing about the techniques, designs, patterns, fabrics, and friendship of quilting. But sometimes, ya just need to be a little silly.

So this evening, I am sillyfying things up a bit and pondering the best snack(s) for quilters.

It was actually this photo I saw on FB that led me down this snacky road. I actually snorted when I saw it!

Quilting is a very hands-on activity. So the type of snack is very important. Cheetos, which I actually like, would be a no-go. All that orange gunk getting all over my fabric.

M&Ms would be a bit better - although they claim they don't melt in your hands, I know better. Also, I really need to reduce sugar intake, so even though they fit nicely in the tool tray of some machines, they would also be a no-go.

At our retreats, my friend Shari always brings Bugles and Veggie Dip. I don't usually eat this yummy combination at home, but I sure do look forward to it on our retreats, or when I go to her house for sit and sew.

I have to say I have not done a thorough, scientific study (might be fun) to identify the best snack to munch while quilting. However, I have returned several times to Target to get some yummy trail mixes. I crave this sweet dried fruit mix, but like M&Ms it has loads of sugar, so I try to keep my hands off.

My go-to mix then is this protein rich, carb-lite, TexMex Mix. Almonds, peanuts, spicy corn sticks, pepitas and sesame sticks - a good combo for me. A little salty, so a glass of something cool afterwards is called for. It even comes in this potentially reusable, handy size plastic jar that could be really useful for something, but I haven't figured out what yet. My current jar is down to the broken pepitas at the bottom, so another trip to Target is in my near future.

What is your go-to quilty snack? Maybe I should do a poll?
Just curious,

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