
Monday, September 3, 2018

My Favorite Designers - Chapter 6 Jacqueline DeJonge

You probably know by now that I'm in love with intricate, sophisticated, and technically difficult quilts. One of my favorite designers designs quilts that totally fit this description - Jacqueline DeJonge of BeCorlourful Quilts.

Jacqueline lives in Delft in the Netherlands. When I first met her, she was still working a day job as an office manager in a medical practice. Now she is a full time designer, teacher, and quilter. She is very soft spoken, but don't let that fool you - she's got lots to say!

So far I have taken 3 workshops from Jacqueline and hope to take many more. Even before I took workshops, I bought my first BeColourful Pattern - The Colourful Quilt. It was waaaay over my head (6 star difficulty). I still have the pattern and fabric that I started collecting to do it. One day . . . 

So I started a little more realistically - I took a workshop down in Dallas about 5 years ago. I bought the Circle of Life kit (only 4 star difficulty) so I wouldn't have to obsess about getting just the right fabric to achieve the rainbow effect. Unfortunately my hubby had a health incident and I had to rush home on the first day. Obviously I didn't get far on the quilt but I was hooked. 

So, about 3 years ago, I learn Jacqueline is coming to Kansas! WhaHoo! I talk my friend Bobbie into coming to visit from Seattle and take the workshop with me. Quilting on the Square in Holton Kansas is our host.  I decided to keep working on Circle of Life.  I got the center star and spikes done. I picked up a few more tips from Jacqueline. One of the best is her idea of a supplementary quarter inch seam allowance. Her technique is to do the piecing with an extra seam allowance and then when its all together, you trim the piece up to a quarter inch. And, guess what? I added several more patterns to my collection. 

In the last 3 years, my BeColourful Quilts sort of took a back burner. I knew I could do it, but I think I just had a bit of a crises of confidence. I was angsting about how to use the fabrics so that the colors flow. Ok, so no progress, but I did add a few more to my pattern collection (grin).

So, fast forward to June 2018. Jacqueline is back in Holton! My friend Kim and I signed up and this time I decided to do one of Jacqueline's new patterns. Infinity (another 6 star difficulty) is based on her award winning quilt from 2013 quilt called Celtic Fantasy. This one has lots of piecing techniques - matching marks, inset seams, supplementary seam allowance, inset circles and more. I tried a new fabric management system this time - instead of using ziplock bags, I put the 24 color wheel fabrics in hanging file folders in a portable file box. It worked really well for me.

Quilting on the Square in Holton was a great host and has a great classroom space. Of course, I added a few more patterns to my collection. I am hoping Jacqueline comes back to Holton next year. I highly recommend Jacqueline's patterns and workshops. You'll be challenged, but you'll learn a lot and enjoy getting to know Jacqueline. I'm looking forward to the next workshop.


  1. Great blog much information, Denise! I love her work, but am not nearly as brave as you are. I know I would be in over my head!! Completely.
    I love the idea of your fabric management locks disturb me a bit!!
    You are Hillarious.....always new Patterns in your life. Definitely mu sister from another mother!

  2. Can you expand on how you used the file folders. Did you do all the cutting in the beginning or just cut as you go. I love Jacqueline. She's due to come to my shop (Quilt Foundry) again in Oct.

    1. Thanks for your question. This is the first time I used this method. I have a file folder labeled 1-24 for each of the colors. They are hung in a portable file container. Because this quilt uses just one piece of a color at a time, I am cutting as I go - or rather cutting for just the section I'm working on. Its easier to use file folders to jump in and grab a 3x5 inch piece for a flying geese and to get into a ziplock bag.

  3. Incredible! Our histories with Jacqueline are nearly identical... The Be Colourful Quilt (still unaddressed - well, gave up after the first circle failure). Then Circle of Life & a class (what an eye opening experience). Do you think Enchanted Stars is an exact reinvention of The Be Colourful? If she comes to Holton again & I'm still able, I'll be there. Nice blog!


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