Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sedona Star Update

Sedona Star is next in the line-up. Last time I worked on it, I over cut and made extra pieces. Oh well.

This time up, I faced the somewhat daunting task on insetting 9 sets of stars within squares into the earlier star I had completed. 

I was expecting difficulties. But I was pleasantly surprised and it wasn't as difficult as I had expected. Y seams can be tricky - you have to stay out of the seam allowance. No sweat there. 

The problem was that when I trimmed up the blocks from the previous step, it was obvious that the paper foundation was drawn in and I couldn't use the printed seam allowance.   There were a few nips and tucks, but the iron took care of that. It even seems to be laying somewhat flat!

My plan is to prepare the next set of blocks - print the instructions and templates, get the fabric ready, and stow them away until next time in the rotation. This was a quick turn-around, but it felt like a good stopping point.

Keeping it challenging!

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