Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Saul's Crepes

 I thought February would be a great month to share my sweet Saul's crepe recipe. Make them for brunch if you like, but we had them for dinner!

Saul’s Crepes (makes about 4-5 crepes)

1 cup all-purpose flour

2 eggs

½ cup milk

½ cup water

¼ t salt

2T melted butter

In a large mixing bowl, whish together the flour and eggs. Gradually add the milk and water, stirring to combine until batter is sooth. Add salt and butter. combine well.

Heat a lightly oiled fry pan over medium heat. Pour about ¼ cup of the crepe batter into the pan and twirl the pan to spread the mixture thin. Cook for about 2 minutes on each side.

Fill with desired fruit and roll up. Or fold into quarters, and enjoy. Our family likes Nutella and strawberries or bananas.


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